Valentine’s Day: Feelin’ the Lovin’ in Lockdown

Valentine’s Day: Feelin’ the Lovin’ in Lockdown

With Valentines day just around the corner, its unlikely that many of us are likely to be able to get out anywhere romantic, but this doesnt mean that you cant celebrate with your partner.  After all, the spirit of Valentines is all about the togetherness, rather than how much the meal costs, so with a little bit of thought you can make it just as good as previous years.  In fact, a stripped-down version might just be the tonic that the increasingly commercialised feast of St. Valentine needs to pep it up.

While most of us enjoy the notion of taking our loved one out for an overpriced meal to show them how much they mean to us, this year is definitely going to be different and that means embracing something new, but what?  Lets have a look at some alternatives.

Assuming that you and your partner form a bubble – stop sniggering – then there are plenty of alternatives.  Valentines Day is on a Sunday this year so, you can spend a bit of quality time with your partner and despite being shut in, there are a surprising number of fun things that you can do at home together, like;

valentines day ideas

Something creative. While getting a potters wheel á la romantic movie Ghostis going to take some doing, there are other creative deeds that you can try.  Take it easy with a bespoke jigsaw over a glass or two of wine.  There are plenty of places online that will turn a photo of the two of you into a puzzle, just remember to start at the edges.  If puzzles arent your thing, there are plenty of other crafty notions that you can do together.  Paint, draw a portrait of each other, see who can ice a cake the best.

Rustle up something tasty. While it might sound obvious and mundane, preparing a romantic meal together can be a wonderfully bonding experience, and you get something delicious to eat along with your wonderful encoupling.  Make it more fun by alternating courses Come Dine With Me style and surprise each other with your culinary skills. Plan a menu, light the candles, and let the love flow.

Do a virtual tour together. Quick to jump on the bandwagon of people not being able to mix, many esteemed institutions have digitised their content and stuck it online. Take a virtual wander through the Louvre, or gasp at the wonders of the British Museum. If you have a couple of VR headsets, this can be even more of an immersive shared experience.  You can even virtually hold hands as you go.  Ahh.

Sing together. If your neighbours nerves were already on edge with not being able to go out, you can always ratchet up their tension a bit more by having a Karaoke afternoon/night with your partner.  Valentines is a time to throw caution to the wind and just let it all go.  Its true that you cant sing, but give it a go anyway – everyone loves a tryer.

But supposing you dont form a bubble with your partner, what then?  Well, you are going to have to meet up outside, but that doesnt mean that it cant be romantic.  It might be only be February but many outside locations are starting to open, so wrap up warm and meet your partner somewhere nice for a long walk together.

Just because we are in a state of Pandemic, it doesnt mean that romance takes a back seat and with a little bit of thought and planning we can make this years Valentines one that is really memorable.

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